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By Brydon Cotter

Popcorn Flavors at Home

Popcorn is a healthy snack in itself. Popcorn flavors at home are high in fiber and low in calories. 

It is elementary to make popcorn at home. You can easily prepare popcorn at home in different things you can pop in a stove, microwave, and with an air popper.

The Flavor of Popcorn for Home

There are different types of popcorn flavors at home.

  • Coconut curry
  • Mexican cocoa
  • Gingerbread
  • Ranch
  • Cinnamon sugar


Coconut curry; 1 tablespoon coconut, ½ tablespoon curry powder, and ¼ tablespoon salt.

Mexican cocoa; 1 tablespoon cocoa, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 tablespoon cinnamon powder, and ¼ tablespoon salt.

Gingerbread; ¼ tablespoon ginger powder, 1 ½ tablespoon sugar powder, 1 tablespoon cinnamon, and ¼ tablespoon cloves.

Ranch; ½ tablespoon dried drill, ½ tablespoon dried chives, ½ tablespoon garlic powder, ½ tablespoon onion powder, ¼ tablespoon salt, and ¼ tablespoon pepper.

Cinnamon sugar; 2 tablespoon sugar powder, 1 tablespoon cinnamon, and ¼ tablespoon salt.

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Basic Steps to Pop

  • Mix
  • Pop
  • Serve

Mix; In a bowl mixed Ingredients according to your choice.

Pop; Ready popcorn in the microwave or on the stove is your choice spray oil on to popcorn then popped.

Serve; After popping popcorn use a pepper according to your choice then serve it.

Method to Make Popcorn

  • Firstly add oil in a large heavy pot.
  • After One minute add popcorn to the pot.
  •  Cover the pan with a tight cover lid
  • Shake the pan while it is cooked.
  • In the end, use melted butter and pepper 
  • Then serve the popcorn

Benefits of Homemade Popcorn

Homemade popcorn is easy to pop. Additionally, it is very healthy. Popcorn is a good snack that may reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease in humans. Popcorn flavors at home are available at we provide the best quality of popcorn that can easily pop at home.

It is very beneficial for you when you make it at home because you can make and eat it anytime when you want you can serve it to the guest with hot or cold drinks. 

You can prepare it at home quickly within 10 minutes. It is very effect full to losing weight.


Popcorn flavors at home are a great, nutritious snack. But it may be unhealthy. when you add too much butter and salt. Protein, carbs, and little fat and calories are all retained in one cup of air-popped popcorn.

Its whole grain is large in fiber and lowers the risk of diabetes, heart infection, and other diseases. If you pop popcorn at home it is available in different flavours and varieties.